วันจันทร์ที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My parent’s opinion

My parent’s opinion for the society, life is complicated. They didn’t show their opinion but I think I know what they thought.
My father and mother both graduate from the university in USA. So they absorb the way to thinking or living their life. My mother she finished university from university of Indiana in USA. My father graduated from university of Texas. So they are both have a good education and very good skill in English especially my mother her English is excellent. So they think differently from the ordinary Thai people. For example my mother said Thailand should focus on develop the country but if we develop the country we must care about the humble people in society like the farmers.
My father is engineer he loves all of technology things. I think he always hope that one of his children will be the engineer like him work as scientist or something like that. He thinks the society now on must have the strong leader all we got to do now is make our nation strong not just talk and don’t do any things. My father doesn’t like to beg for anyone to help him he will try and try if it doesn’t work he will smile and said “It will be another way”. I like this part of him he always thinks in positive.
My mother is translator she works for True Vision. She has the strong believe in the way to successful. She always tells me to focus and persevering she said only persevering person that have a successful life. I agree with that but what successful mean? Does it mean very rich and powerful. I think it depends on what you think for somebody successful is just sent their kids to school until they finish college.

2 ความคิดเห็น:

win กล่าวว่า...

Hi Ohm
I don’t know why your parent’s don’t tell you about their opinion. I thing if they tell you it will be a good to you and your parents. If I was you I will ask them because I really to know what is their opinion. If I now I will try to do or grow like their opinion because not has a parent want suns grow up to be a bad people. Sometimes I ask my mom to her opinion she tell me “sun will be a good person” she will teach me to be a good and I will do it.

Rung กล่าวว่า...

I agree with you about your idea about successful. I think that everybody wants to success. But the goal are not all the same. Some people need a lot to success but some people need just a little thing to make little happiness for them. I like the way your father thinks. He must be very good man for his children to follow. Think possitive can make our life good in any moment.