วันจันทร์ที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

Everything about myself

Hi everybody my name is Nattanond but you guys can also call me Ohm. Now I’m a high school student in Bangkok. I’m a 15 year old boy who loves to spend time with practicing music. I like music I have played flute for 7 years. I just love it when I play flute I forget everything it makes me feel like the world has only me and my flute in this world . Now I’m head of school marching band every morning I must come to school early to go to the band. I think this activity trains me to be more responsible.

After school sometimes I play football with my friends. I also enjoy football.
When I feel bad I always play football it makes me feel better and relax.

I’m a cheerful person if you want to drive me crazy that’s very hard to do because I’m not kind of angry person but if I angry you are in danger (I’m kidding). I don’t believe that violence can solve the problem. Sometimes it works but first I will ask for reason I like to do a negotiation. When I encounter the problems I will try to solve it by my self first if I can’t do it I will ask for some help.

I like to travel around I like to know new people and go to new places to learn something that I have never known. I want to be a lawyer i think this career is good , The salary is fine but I don’t want to be like some bad lawyer that helps bad people and get a lot of money. I will be the honest lawyer who helps good people and defends them in the court.
That is my first choice in my life the second choice is writer. I want to be a writer too I think writing books is very comfortable job it has a lot of freedom to work. You can work everyplace like J.K. Rolling at first before she gets rich she wrote famous book Harry Potter in the small coffee shop. I think this job is good you can write your idea and your oppinions or you can use your imagination too.

My dream is to travel around the world. Especially in a country that has problems and needs some help. I want to be the one of value person in the world I don’t want to graduate and work, work and work. Now people in this world are confusing.
The whole world is out of control. If we don’t stop hurting our self by war, pollution and all of nasty things we will have a big problem. I want to help my friends in this world who need some help and I hope that one day world will return to the beginning, the pure world.
